Monday 17 September 2012

Fad Gallery

14 Corrs Lane, Chinatown,

My friend Tia introduced me to Fad Gallery a while ago and I thought it was a really cool place, the idea behind this bar is that it's an art gallery infused with the vibe and feel of a bar. The walls are covered in weird but fascinating displays of art with retro inspired furniture all around the main bar room which provides a great place to sit, relax and have a chilled out time with friends for a beer or cider.

We all went down for Tia's 20th birthday on a saturday night and were pleasantly surprised by the crowd and atmosphere, the closest thing I can relate it to is somewhere down Brunswick st, I'm not talking Bimbo's style though, I'm talking one of those slightly dingy looking but ultra cool bars that's tiny, is filled with cool looking weirdos and smells a bit like vomit but at the same time provides a great fun night simply because it's not filled with plastic looking Chapel St wogs (I can say that because I'm Italian, you can't, you're just being racist).

They had a band on at about 10.30, just as the buzz was kicking in from all those Pipsqueak ciders, who played old 70's hits from the Rolling Stones and a few poppier tunes that I can't quite remember now. We all had a jig on the dance floor (lame strobe lights included) and had a really great time.

After all that ruckus we went upstairs to the private gallery, which is a little creepy as there are no staff or patrons up there, just lots of crazy art, one piece which really took me was the painting of Jack Nicholson in The Shining in his "Hereeeeee's Johnny!" face. Scary shit guys. And hey, if it didn't cost $5,000 I probably would of bought it!

Overall Fad Gallery is a very cool bar in the heart of Chinatown that I would really recommend if you don't mind a little bit of grunge and just want to have a fun night with a great atmosphere.

Victor x

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29th Apartment

29 Fitzroy Street St Kilda

This place is literally an apartment. You feel like you haven’t even left home and should still be in you pj’s, I’ve never been to a bar that looks anything like it. The more drinks you have the more you think you’re just chilling out at home sipping a few bevies. 

Located in the heart of St Kilda it's about a one minute stroll down to the beach and close to the sexy palm trees if you love engaging with them. The night that I went was on a Saturday in summer and I sat on a toilet for most of the night. Not the sort of toilet that you take a dump in, but a furniture toilet that is just in the open.  No tables and chairs to sit on but instead you’ll have to make your self-comfortable on double beds with pillows and couches accompanied by coffee tables. The 29th Apartment really has a home feel about it, which is cool in the sense that you don’t really think you're out and about.

The 29th Apartment has such a relaxed manner it’s a great place to have a couple of beverages to escape the summer’s sun. Connect four is on most coffee tables, I played mine in a bath. Yes there is even a bath. If you love cheap pizzas then you’ll  love the range the 29th Apartment offers. I had two pizzas and wow, its basically like they’re home deliveries from Italy.

At night you can shake your bum off to some thumping tunes and enjoy complementary popcorn. It’s the shit. Popcorn and beers just works, didn’t think it would. So if your looking for a place near the beach with a relaxed vibe then just head down to the 29th Apartment as you will feel like you never left home. Peace out boobies

jules xx

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Sunday 16 September 2012

Madame Brussels

63 Bourke Street, 

What can I say about Madame Brussels? It's weird as hell. 
That's what makes it a cool place to visit on a sunny afternoon like me, Jules and a few other friends did last week. It's located on Bourke St in what looks like a dingy little building, up a few derelict flights of stairs but when you get to the top you feel like you've taken a hit of acid and arrived in Wonderland with Alice being played by the crazy looking maitre d' who greets you as you enter.

The theme of the whole venue is that of an English garden party, its fun, extravagant and very eccentric all at the same time. We went straight to the bar and checked the menu out, needless to say theres some fairly weird cocktails but we ordered a jug of sangria and a jug of mai tai's. I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty pricey but totally worth it, they make some of the best (most alcohol fuelled) cocktails i've had in the city before. We went outside onto the beatiful outdoor terrace/rooftop and plopped our asses down and started drinking. Before we knew it we were getting a little bit sloshed and just enjoying ourselves.

The staff wear cute looking barmaid/barman outfits that suite the "toff" english countryside theme and this theme draws in an interesting crowd -  there were a few cute patrons (according to my skewed, weird opinion of attractiveness) it's good for a little eye candy is all I'm saying!

The sunny afternoon we spent at Madame Brussels was a great day overall and proved to be an excellent place to kick off a night of boozing and fun or just to have a few casual after work/uni drinks.

Victor xox

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Little Creatures Dining Hall

222 Brunswick Street Fitzroy

 If I wanted to search the world for a hall, which serves classics pale ales and awesome food, then I would but to be honest I can’t be fucked. My search was over when I was walking down Brunswick street in Fitzroy with some mates. Logo’s of little angle babies with wings holding an arrow always draw me in, so I had no choice but to enter this strange hall which I had never been to before.

If you’re a single bloke then you’ll love the ratio of men to women. Probably 4 women to 1 man which I seemed to enjoy but I’m sure my girlfriend wouldn’t, there’s no need to tell her about that though, maybe I should, oh well that’s in the past so lets just say it didn’t happen. There’s plenty of room to breathe - the place is massive just like the head chefs fat stomach. He whips up great food and you can wash it all down with a tall refreshing glass of Little Creatures.

With so many variations of Little Creatures beer on offer and on tap that night I nearly ordered every beer in the whole place. Pale ales are the main attraction, and they are to die for, they use whole hop flowers and warm fermentation to create a beer which tastes like you’re drinking from heaven’s tits. There’s plenty of finger food to be had while you wait for a table and the bartenders are extremely helpful in deciding on a beverage depending on your mood. If you’re a Little Creatures virgin the bartender’s will assist you with popping your cherry with something new to sip on.

So if your looking for a new place to have some friendship and fun times in a relaxed manner then give Little Creatures Dining Hall a go. You will not be disappointed but if you do not go I will be bitterly disappointed in you.

Jules xx

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Sunday 2 September 2012

Rooftop Bar

Level 7, Curtin House, 252 Swanston Street 

Location, location, location… The Rooftop Bar is located in the heart of  Melbourne CBD, in the heritage listed Curtain House which also situates The Toff in Town and Cookie. It's a great place to go and chill out on warm summery days like the photo above of me and my friends. As the Melbourne weather starts to get warmer (finally), it's a perfect way to get a beautiful view of the Melbourne CBD and enjoy a nice cold beer with mates.

It's not just beers that Rooftop has to offer though, with many crazy weird cocktails, like the ginger and chocolate one our friend Molly had or more classic drinks like jug's of Pimms and Lemonade or Sangria. They have every spirit under the sun! On top of drinks you can also get a delicious burger and chips from the stall over in the corner for a cheap lunch or dinner courtesy of the awesome Beatbox Kitchen. Try the stereo sauce for a flavour explosion!

The highlight of the night was seeing this drunken girl who looked a little bit like Snooki from the Jersey Shore (cheeto caked orange face and updo included) getting into a fight with her equally gross boyfriend. It really added to the overall ambience of the night. Oh! And in the male urinal trough there was a soccer goal field, with a little ball that you had to get in by peeing! It almost makes breaking the seal worth it!

And now coming into the summer months the very cool, very indie Rooftop Cinema will be opening up again, where you can see your favourite cult classics, indie art house movies or anything with Bill Murray in it (yes, seriously) for a reasonable price. It's a great idea to impress on a first date, you can snuggle up with one of the complementary blankets and a few drinks and see where the night takes you!

Overall the Rooftop Bar was a really pleasant experience, we went on an awesome Spring sunny day and were just able to relax, chat and get away from the streets of the city in a comfortable and cool environment which I think appeals to pretty much everyone!

Victor x

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