Sunday 16 September 2012

Madame Brussels

63 Bourke Street, 

What can I say about Madame Brussels? It's weird as hell. 
That's what makes it a cool place to visit on a sunny afternoon like me, Jules and a few other friends did last week. It's located on Bourke St in what looks like a dingy little building, up a few derelict flights of stairs but when you get to the top you feel like you've taken a hit of acid and arrived in Wonderland with Alice being played by the crazy looking maitre d' who greets you as you enter.

The theme of the whole venue is that of an English garden party, its fun, extravagant and very eccentric all at the same time. We went straight to the bar and checked the menu out, needless to say theres some fairly weird cocktails but we ordered a jug of sangria and a jug of mai tai's. I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty pricey but totally worth it, they make some of the best (most alcohol fuelled) cocktails i've had in the city before. We went outside onto the beatiful outdoor terrace/rooftop and plopped our asses down and started drinking. Before we knew it we were getting a little bit sloshed and just enjoying ourselves.

The staff wear cute looking barmaid/barman outfits that suite the "toff" english countryside theme and this theme draws in an interesting crowd -  there were a few cute patrons (according to my skewed, weird opinion of attractiveness) it's good for a little eye candy is all I'm saying!

The sunny afternoon we spent at Madame Brussels was a great day overall and proved to be an excellent place to kick off a night of boozing and fun or just to have a few casual after work/uni drinks.

Victor xox

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